Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Maxim and V-Day

Maxim is always looking to take part in events and affairs that focus around women's health, awareness, and well-being. It's funny how many women's events revolve around vaginas; lucky for us, as given the nature of Maxim products, that's right up our alley. Last time it was the Vagina Festival; most recently Maxim was pleased to have participated in Hofstra University’s production of The Vagina Monologues. The performance is part of an annual "V-Day” campaign hosted on college campuses across America to end violence against women.

With the shared value of women’s health and security in mind, Maxim happily supports the cause and donated two different gift baskets to be raffled off at the end of two of the performances. Each gift package contained fun spa packages and a selection of Maxim’s 100% Organic and Natural Cotton Products. Proceeds from the raffle went towards the Nassau County Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

The performance is a fun, thought-provoking, provacative and sometimes emotional showcase for exploring some of the issues surrounding women’s rights, issues and perceptions, but it wasn’t the only hit and excitement for the evening. As seen in the picture above, Maxim shared a table with Planned Parenthood, educating students about other related women’s issues. Students were pleasantly surprised as they got handed free Maxim samples on their way in to the theatre. Student, Megan Walker, was beaming as she emerged from the ladies room stating, “It honestly feels healthier.”

With women’s health and security in mind, Maxim was honored be included in such an important event.

For more information on V-day, click here.

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