Friday, May 1, 2009

Earth Day, Maxim Style

We’re a little late on the Earth Day Post, but we were definitely not amiss on the streets and schools of New York in celebrating our favorite holiday of the year.

Maxim was honored to be amongst several booths at several different schools in our hometown of New York, showcasing what students can do to lead greener lives. During the events, Maxim was able to demonstrate how our products are better for the Earth, and the body too!

At Hofstra University…

We took a spot at the quad in front of Hofstra University’s trendy Bits n’ Bytes Café where Earth Day was all abuzz, as The Center for Civic Engagement hosted an eco-friendly festival. Other booths included PETA, Progressive Students Union, Organic Foods, Anthropology club, Green Career opportunities and so much more!

At New York University…

We were set up under a tent outside on a cold spring NYC day on Washington Place, right smack in the middle of NYU’s most trendy metropolitan campus, where we got to meet some trendy NYUers who were blown away by what we had to say about what was lining their pantiliners. Other fun booths included Honest Tea, POM, Sustainable NYC, and Earth Celebrations.

At East Islip High School…

The gymnasium was converted in to an “earthasium.” Students were bussed in from the elementary and middle schools to take part in the districts dedication to keeping the youth informed about their responsibilities to the earth. You would think youngsters at this age would be shy or giggling about learning about tampons, but they were not only overly enthused, but quite serious about what Maxim had to say about the content of their tampons, pads and pantiliners.

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